Nine Babergh car parks retain safer parking awards

08 Jul 2015

Five car parks in Sudbury and four in Hadleigh have retained their Park Mark status under the national Safer Parking Scheme.

The council-operated car parks at Girling Street, Mill Lane, Station Road, Stour Street and The Station in Sudbury, and the High Street, Magdalen Road, Maiden Way and Stonehouse Road in Hadleigh, have all met the requirements of a risk assessment conducted by the Police.

The assessment covers - amongst other criteria - the management of the car parks, crime recording and statistics, vehicular and pedestrian access, and provision of lighting and signage, to ensure that measures are in place to create a safe environment. For customers, using a Park Mark Safer Parking facility means that the car park has been vetted by the Police and has measures in place to create a safe environment.

Cllr. Frank Lawrenson, Portfolio Holder for Environment, said: “We are thrilled that we have retained our accreditation under this nationwide scheme. This demonstrates our commitment to providing and maintaining safe and clean car parks throughout the district, and we hope that this will encourage more visitors into our market towns.”

Peter Gravells, Park Mark Scheme Area Manager, said: “I am delighted that Babergh District Council is in the Safer Parking Scheme. It is evident that through their management practices and the excellent physical attributes of the car parks that every consideration is given to the user.“

Park Mark status was first awarded to the Girling Street, Hadleigh High Street and Stonehouse Road car parks in July 2005, to the Magdalen Road and Maiden Way car parks in October 2008, and to the Mill Lane, Station Road, Stour Street and Sudbury Station car parks in August 2010.

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